A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes


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Stoicism Man

"So...can you help me get my purse back? I really loved that purse." "Woman's love involves injustice and blindness against everything that she does not love... Woman is not yet capable of friendship: women are still cats and birds. Or at best cows..."
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Stoicism Man is Zeno of Citium, founder of Stoicism, a school of thought in ancient Greece that emphasizes living according to virtue, and accepting the things in the world that are beyond one's control.

While Nietzsche admired the Stoics in some ways, he accused them of being a life-denying philosophy. His lines are, for the most part, taken directly from Beyond Good and Evil.

Stoicism Man is Zeno of Citium, founder of Stoicism, a school of thought in ancient Greece that emphasizes living according to virtue, and accepting the things in the world that are beyond one's control.

While Nietzsche admired the Stoics in some ways, he accused them of being a life-denying philosophy. His lines are, for the most part, taken directly from Beyond Good and Evil.

Philosophers in this comic: Zeno of Citium, Friedrich Nietzsche
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